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Tailwind COVID-19 Resources
🏠 Work From Home🧸 Keep Kids Busy💵 Finances🌎 Remote Jobs🧘 Mental Health🎨 Hobbies & More🎥 Survive & Thrive

Finances 💵

We are living in a world united by a common challenge. How can we deal with the current, immediate challenges of keeping our families safe and secure while planning for our ongoing business success?

Check out this recording from Tailwind Pinterest Specialist, Alisa Meredith, and Tailwind CEO and co-founder, Danny Maloney as they discuss:

  • Practical resources for families and businesses in crisis ✅
  • If I can’t tell already, what kind of impact should I expect? 💥
  • Should I pivot my business? And if so, how? (featuring examples for several niches) 🤔
  • How to avoid common mistakes during a downturn - and emerge stronger 💪
  • Open Q&A 🤗

Other Resources ❤️